Monday, February 25, 2013

She's done it again!

I think were on a roll folks (however I don't want to jinx myself)! On Thursday we had another NST and AFI! She did the NST like a champ (like we all know she is), there was no buzzing involved! WAHOO!!! She's getting to be such a big girl! Makes me so proud. Although even when she does have to get buzzed I'm still proud. Our AFI was good as well, she is still breech! Although this doesn't matter much because we already have a c-section scheduled. My fluid levels were good holding steady around 19, so I'll take that!

Today (Monday) was a good day too, again she rocked the NST like the growing baby that she is! There was no buzzing involved whatsoever! She even made Bonnie proud! The AFI went well as well, again there wasn't much to it, the tech did what she was there to do today, however today I worked up the nerve to ask to see her face, and she obliged! So we got a quick peek at her cute, chubby little face!

Peter and I are sooooo very blessed. We have had 2 baby showers in the past two weekends and the love and support that was there is amazing, and so very humbling! We'd like to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support, it means so much to us! Even if we've not met and its just through prayer, it doesn't go unnoticed and as they say prayer can move mountains!

I'd like to just ask for your continued prayer, there are so many requests that we have, all mainly surrounding our sweet baby girl, but there is a specific one for us. That is that God gives us peace, as her due date approaches we get more anxious. We know that this is all in God's control and we are thankful for that because that would be quite the burden to carry however we still need our anxious hearts calmed.

Thanks again, and I've yet to receive any new pics, so we'll just reminisce with an oldy but a goody!, at the end of the day my sweet, healthy, precious, baby girl is all that matters!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sorry for the delay but were back at it!

Bust out your party hats and noisemakers folks, we're having a party!! Emma graduated, well for a day anyways!! Our appointment on Monday Feb 11 was a GREAT day!!! Bonnie was right, its like something magical happens when the baby hits 32 weeks! Emma didn't get buzzed AT ALL!!! We had our own little party in the NST room. LOL! Our fluid check was also great, we've been able to stay with in the normal range. I walked out of that hospital like I'd just accepted an Oscar (on Emma's behalf of course).

Thursday was a good day, she didn't cooperate as well but you know life's tough when your trying to grow! There are some days when you just don't feel like behaving, I know that happens to me sometimes. This poor girl has come down with the hiccups, they aren't your run of the mill hiccups either they are SERIOUS, last about 5 minutes and happens at most 3 times a day! This day was no exception, we were going about our business listening to her precious little thump, thump, thump of her heart beat when all the sudden she got the hiccups. I blame Bonnie, lol, she had to buzz her which I believe scared the hiccups into her. These hiccups lasted for what seemed like forever, they had to call in the doctor to make sure she was reactive enough and as soon as the doc looked at her graph she said the baby has the hiccups. LOL... they were that identifiable. But the doctor cleared her and sent us on our way for the AFI. That was a quick check, the levels were all good and we were on our way.

That brings us to this past Monday. Our sweet baby girl cooperated (well sort of), she only had to be buzzed once, this is progress compared to last Thursday. She got to the 150's on her own once and then Bonnie was waiting till the end to see if she'd do it again, alas she did not. So she got buzzed. But that ticked her off she jumped up to 160 and then hung around there for a while. I can imagine she was saying to herself, I'm going to make this buzz worthwhile. Oh baby girl. We went to the AFI and that was good. The ultrasound tech's have been turds lately and haven't given us anything extra to look at, just telling us we are good. Which of course I appreciate, I just always like to get that extra look at my baby's sweet chunky face!

That about sums it up for us. Thank you all so much for your love and support, it means more to Peter and I and our families then we'll ever be able to express!! Thank you thank you!

At the end of the day this is what matters

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday we meet again!

We shall begin this post to say that we have a DUE DATE!!! Emma will be here on March 25, 2013! I like this day for our baby girls birthday! Its a Monday so it'll be great, and it'll be here before we know it. 

Monday was another good day. We went for the NST, that went well, baby girl was buzzed only once, and that was near the end so its getting easier just like Nurse Bonnie said it would. Then we went for our AFI, my fluid levels were good it was 18.6 so its hanging steady! PRAISE GOD! Here's our pictures from Monday, they are a little hard to see because Emma wasn't looking at the camera. Doesn't she know that her momma is a sucker for pictures, and MANY will be taken once she arrives!!! 

This is her face, she is squishing her hand to her chunky little cheeks! EEEKKKS!

Here is her sweet foot!! LOVE IT! 
And that brings us to today. GUESS WHAT... Emma hit her mark today on her NST without ANY buzzing!! WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!! Milestone met!!!!!!!!!! YAY BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact she did it 3 times when it was only required that she hit it twice! Today was also a growth scan day! So we got an extra long look at our sweet girl! My fluid level was good, 16.9, which is the LOWEST its ever been. We were taking bets as to how much Emma weighs.. (not real bets dont worry) just a little pool shall we say. Anyways, Peter guessed she'd weigh 5.8, I said 4.10, mom and a friend said 5 on the nose. So imagine our excitement when the tech told us that Emma weighs 5.8 pounds. HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!! We were told to expect her to gain a half a pound a week which is another 3.5 pounds! Watch out world we have a chunker on our hands! But we're ok with that. We need her as chunky as possible for her surgery! Her vents measured larger then I would have liked to have seen, they were both in the 30's. I pray that they don't get any larger, although none of the doctors seemed to concerned seeing as her head has also grown comparably. We had a follow up with the doctor which was good. It was the same doc that is going to deliver our sweet girl so that was good. All in all a good day, alot of UPs and just one down. We have so many blessings in our lives and I just have to keep my faith steadfast that God is the ultimate one in control! Just a few prayer requests..a) that she stays put until March 25 and b) That her vents don't get any larger. I leave you with a few pictures from today! 

Here is her sweet little face, looking at the camera

This is her beautiful profile

And again, her sweet foot!!!

at the end of the day this is what matters

Thank you all for your continued thoughts, and prayers. It is much appreciated!!!