Thursday, May 30, 2013

2 Months Old!!

We've been a busy little family in the past few weeks. Since I've last posted we had Emma baptized, we met her new pediatrician (which we love by the way), we had another physical therapy visit and tomorrow we have a follow up MRI to check her shunt since Dr. Stevenson changed it 3 weeks ago. We've also been to the aquarium and the zoo! Emma celebrated her 2 month birthday as well. I can't believe how fast time is going and how much Emma is changing. I see change in her each day!

Peter got us memberships to the museum center and the aquarium for Mothers Day, and my mom got us a membership to the zoo for our anniversary! We are going to have sooo much fun exploring all these places. Emma seemed slightly unimpressed by the aquarium and the zoo but I know deep down she was excited to see them both.

Emma's progress and milestones are awesome. She is now smiling in response to things rather then just involuntary. She is making a noise that we've decided is her laughing. She can track people and her toys, boy does she love to follow her daddy!! She can also hold her head up for extended periods of time without any assistance!!!

She also got her first REAL bath. I'm not just talking about a scrub down with a wash cloth, NO NO, I'm talking full on bath in the kitchen sink with soap and water kind of bath. I was a little hesitant because I wasn't so sure of how she'd like it, but I think she truly enjoyed it. There were no tears, no crying, just one happy go lucky girl!

Each day my heart just swells with pride that God chose us to be this precious baby girl's parents! We honestly couldn't be luckier!!!

We'd like to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers. They are so appreciated and each day I can see God's continued grace and blessings on our family. Please continue your prayers. Emma still has a little bit of healing to go on her back before it is completely closed but her progress there is unbelievable.

Please continue to pray that her shunt functions as it should and that she doesn't have any symptoms with her Chiari II. Please pray that Peter and I remain vigilant to her needs both health related and otherwise and that God continues to bless her and our family with good health. Thanks again, you all are AMAZING!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Emma is making so much progress it amazes me! Emma had an MRI on Friday and then we had a follow up with her neurosurgeon. We waited quite a while but Dr. Stevenson is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth the wait! He said everything was looking amazing. He was actually able to turn her shunt down a notch. So she went from a 3 to a 4. This means that her shunt will actually drain less fluid. This is why I am so glad she has a programmable shunt. If she had a regular one and he wanted it to drain less it would require another surgery. He said he'd like another MRI in 3 weeks to make sure that everything is still going well.

We had our first MM (spina bifida) clinic on Monday! That was pretty neat. Emma had a renal ultrasound before we went to clinic. Then we grabbed a bite of lunch then headed to clinic. They took Emma's vitals then put us in our room. First came the rehabilitation doctor. She was very sweet. She looked Emma over and said that everything was looking good. She did notice a few things that were a bit baffling to her. We have noticed that Emma's right leg is weaker with less muscle tone then her left. The doctor agreed, but then she also noticed that her right leg is longer then her left, she said its typically the other way around that the stronger leg is the longer one.

Next up was the Urology fella... he was also very nice said everything looked good on her ultrasound. That was good news! He also told us that we don't have to cath her at night. That means that mommy and daddy get a full night of sleep as long as Emma feels the same.

Next we saw the developmental pediatrician, this was Dr. Oppenheimer (Dr. O for short). She also said everything was looking good and that we should come back to clinic in 3 months!

So all in all Monday was a good day. We have much to be thankful for!

On Wednesday we met with her plastic surgeon, Dr. Pan, he said her back was looking great. He told us that he was comfortable not seeing her anymore and that he can just be updated through email with pictures! This is bittersweet, we've grown to really like Dr. Pan, he is an awesome doctor who has provided such great care to Emma, but she's healing so well that we don't need to be under his care anymore. The only time he'll get re involved in her case is if they have to operate on her spine again.

All in all we've had a great few days of appointments. We continue to ask for prayers for our sweet baby girl, as she continues to heal and her shunt continues to function properly and that she doesn't have symptoms from her Chiari. Also please continue to pray that Peter and I remain vigilant to her needs health related and otherwise! Thank you so much for your continued support to our family!

Here is what you all have been waiting for... PICTURES!!!!!

We try and do daily mini photo shoots! 

She is such a good model

So sweet! 

She was trying to talk to mommy

Jabber jaws

Pretty girl! 

First time wearing a headband! 

Tummy time can't you tell she just loves it?  

Celebrating mothers day! 

Three generations


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Getting acquainted

That's what we've been doing! Getting to know each other. Trying to figure each other out. Gotta tell ya... I'm loving every single flipping minute of it!! Our little girl is AMAZING. If I was told that I had to sum her up in one single word that's what I'd choose every single time. AMAZING!!! The only time Emma cries is when she is hungry (spoken like a true Hendrickson/Johnson/Ely). Like I said last time, out of all the reasons she has to cry and fuss she doesn't.

We've had one more PT visit, and Ms. Nancy told us a few more things we can do with Emma. She also told us that if Emma was a baby without any issues that she would be telling us to do the same thing. So we continue to work on tummy time.
Although it's not our favorite exercise. 
Then we have to work on the activity mat.
But again not our favorite thing to do 
But Emma does it. Because that's what she is supposed to do. 

We also met again with Dr. Pan, and this visit was a GREAT visit! First of all we just think the world of Dr. Pan, the progress Emma's wounds have made is wonderful. On Wednesday the 30th we were informed that there is no more back restriction WOOOOO HOOOO!!!!!! This puts a mommas mind at ease because we all know back is best when sleeping and she now gets to experience that! Also he informed us that she can wear pants! SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT... thats right, we've been living in rompers and onsies, and a WHOLE new world of cute clothes and matching outfits has been opened to us! You may ask what the first complete outfit was that we put on such a cute baby? The wait is over... 

So the past week has been wonderful, we've had a great time. I have to go back to work for 60 hours then I get to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a stay at home mommy. My boss told me today that I could change my mind if I wanted to. I replied that I have a much better job opportunity waiting for me at home! 

Like always we appreciate and covet your prayers. Please continue to pray for healing for Emma. She has healed so well this far. Also please continue to pray that her shunt functions as it should, and that her Chiari Malformation remains non-symptomatic. Also please pray that Peter and I remain vigilant to her needs, health related and otherwise. Thank you so much for your support and prayers we truly appreciate it! 

And as always here are some more pictures! 
I always showed you pictures of her feet while I was pregnant, now here they are LIVE AND IN COLOR!!! 

"Uhh Mom, think you can stop with the pictures"

Perfect, tiny little hand

I'm gonna eat you

Well hello there

Supporting the home team! *fyi... they won this game* just put her on the payroll

Exercising is tough work

Lovin my wubbanub