Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Post MRI follow up

Hello Everyone,

So Emma had her MRI on Monday the 16th. It all went well. We got checked in around 11:15. They took us back and since Emma is now over a year we are able to stay with her while they give her the laughing gas to sedate her. This isn't the only way she is sedated for the MRI. They also give her another sedating drug. But they start with the laughing gas to get her to sleep so they can start an IV. IV's are tricky on Emma. She doesn't have the best veins. Though I think I've mentioned this before. We now request the VAT (vascular access team) to come down with an ultrasound to get her IV's started and thank God they only had to stick her 1 time! WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I was very pleased to hear that. That is one of the million reasons why we love love love Cincinnati Children's Hospital! The care they provide for our kids is amazing!! Her MRI took about two hours and then we were able to go back and see Emma! She was still pretty sleepy when we got back to recovery but her nurse was very kind and let us hold her until she woke up.

We then headed up to Neuro to meet with our most favorite doctor ever!!! They checked her shunt and it didn't reprogram which was great! Then Dr. Stevenson came in talked to us, fussed over Emma and told us that EVERYTHING looked stable or smaller! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said her syrinxes looked good and stable, as well as the cyst that is on her lesion. So all in all it was a great day!

Thank you all for your prayers for our sweet girl! God has answered our prayers! Please continue to pray for Emma though, she has been having "staring spells" its kind of like where she will just check out. We talked to Dr. Stevenson about them and he said to just keep track of them and if there is an increase to contact neurology. So pray that those cease. Also continue to pray for our family as we begin a HUGE change in our lives. Packing up our current home and move in with my mom until we can find a home that is PERFECT for us all. We've been looking at what feels like EVERY SINGLE HOUSE but to no avail. So we've put it in God's hands to lead us to the house he has set out for us.

Thank you all for being so faithful to us! We love each and everyone of you all!!!!

Here are some pictures of our favorite girl!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Holy COW!!!!!! Its been over a MONTH since I last posted. I hope I haven't lost any ladybug lovers. We have been INCREDIBLY busy. I'll get into that in a moment. I hope you all are well and enjoying your summer thus far. Emma as I am sure you all know is AMAZING and continues to be amazing. We are so incredibly fortunate to be her parents.

Where do I even begin with the updates. Well lets see. Just a few days after I posted in April, we took Emma to the ER. We kind of suspected a shunt malfunction. She was fussy and pukey and just not her typical Emma self. It was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day. They were busy, their computers were broken and we all know what happens when we lose technology. They were pretty confident with the symptoms we were describing that it had nothing to do with her shunt. THANK GOD! So then we had them collect a urine sample. I was going to take one down to them that morning anyways because I also thought she may have a UTI. Well it turns out that the culprit was a UTI. It was a pretty bad one again. We went home with an RX of Bactrim for 10 days.

We've also had some therapy visits. They are still going well. Emma loves PT on the days when Ms. Nancy lets her do her stander for the whole visit. Well the visit on the 21st, Emma actually had to do more then just her stander. She got to swing and we tried a skateboard looking thing with Emma on her belly. I think she would have really enjoyed it but she was already so ticked off that she wouldn't calm down to see what was going on.

We've also had a few more visits at the Pearlman Center. What an awesome place that is. They are the place that is letting us borrow the stander long term since our insurance is DUMB... more on that in a minute. We went there on the 22nd and Emma got to try a power chair and she also got to ride in a regular wheel chair. Emma is amazing. She was starting to get the hang of the power chair by the time she got fed up with it. But we put her in the manual chair and she was OFF!!!! Connie at the Pearlman Center had mentioned that she isn't so sure that Emma needs a full power chair. Emma has the ability physically and cognitively to manipulate a manual chair and we'd all hate to see her lose that ability. So Connie recommended power assist wheels. They have a little motor in them and they meet Emma's effort and help her wheel. One of Nancy's biggest concerns with Emma using manual all the time is the wear and tear on her shoulders and also the exhaustion  physically and mentally that research has shown comes with full manual chairs. I think the power assist wheels would be perfect. Now for insurance to cover those. HAHAHAHAHA... praying that they will cover them with out a fight.

So onto my plight with our insurance. Nancy wrote a pre-determination for the stander which was denied stating that children without independent mobility do not benefit from a stander. Which is BS. There are some physical benefits, i.e. constipation, but also social and cognitive benefits as well. So she wrote an appeal and that also got denied, basically for the same reasons. So we asked Dr. McMahon to do a peer to peer review which is where she would call and talk to a physician from the insurance company and help them see the light. Well we were at Children's on Sunday (dropping off a urine sample because Emma has another UTI), but we ran into Dr. McMahon and she was filling us in on the peer to peer and said that they didn't want to cover it but the physician called her back and said it could be covered but it would count as her wheeled mobility. Well that wont work because she is going to NEED a wheelchair before 5 years and insurance MUST cover that. So all this to say, that we are going to be writing letters to EVERYONE that will read them about how insurance should cover standers and all the benefits that apparently they don't know about. If you want to join our mission please let me know. Probably what I will do is type up a "form" letter and I can email it to you and you can sign and fill in the blanks and then send it to your governors, senators anyone who could make a change.

In the past few weeks part of the reason for the lack of my posting is because we were getting our house market ready. We listed our house 2 weeks ago today and we got an offer on it 1 day after listing, which is AMAZING. We are so blessed that God has provided a buyer for our home. But now our search begins. We don't really have many viable options that are for sale in Anderson Twp, right now. We continuously pray and ask you to pray with us that God leads us to the perfect home for Emma and for our family. Also please continue to pray for Emma's health and well being. She has a sedated MRI on June 16th to check for her syrinx. To make sure that it has stayed smaller. Please pray that it hasn't grown and if anything that it has just gone away. We know that God is the ultimate healer and physician. So we go before him asking for his care over Emma.

You all are amazing and I think you for your continued prayers and good thoughts for our Ems and family! You are wonderful supporters! Thank you thank you thank you! Now onto the pictures of sweet Emy!!!!!

Emma likes taking selfies! 

We went to a car show benefiting SBAK and Henry! 

She LOVES swinging! 

See another selfie! 

Modeling some of her swimwear for FL! 

At a memorial day BBQ! 

Just being her gorgeous self! 

We took her to Target and let her do her stander around the WHOLE store. And in typical Emma fashion she did AMAZING! 

Trying out a manual chair! 

Wheeling it herself! 

Trying the power chair! 

We did a walk for Uncs to benefit Crohn's and Colitis

One of our 8 million (or so it seems) trips to Home Depot! 


This is what happens when you need to get laundry done and have a 1 year old. Put her in a basket and let her play with a roll of toilet paper. LOL! Gotta do what you gotta do! 

Just lounging in her porch chair!