Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another week bites the dust

Hello world! We had another round of testing this week and she did really well. She's finally getting into the swing of the NST's now that were rounding rounding third and heading home (for all you baseball fans out there).

Monday was a status quo day! She passed the NST with flying colors didn't have to get buzzed at all! WOO HOO little girl! The AFI also went good my fluid level was good too so it was a good day.

Thursday was a fun day, we had our NST and Emma's heartbeat was higher then usual (which isn't a problem) but it made her baseline higher which means she had to work harder at meeting her goal. She got buzzed but only once and then she got her butt in gear! My fluid check was a little surprising it was at 27. From the start we've been told that it shouldn't exceed 24 so I was a little concerned about what the doctor would have to say about that. We had a sweet ultrasound tech who showed us her sweet little face and of course her perfect feet! We met with the doctor and he wasn't to concerned. He said they'd be worried if it was below 5 and thank goodness that isn't our issue.

Emma is still breech at this point and I don't believe she has any plans on changing that. Since I'm having a c-section it wouldn't change that, the only thing that it does affect is the type of incision I'll have to have.  Because of the different incision any future pregnancies will have to be delivered via c-section. But we've learned through this process that Emma marches to her own beat and doesn't do what she doesn't want to do. OH MY we're going to have our hands full with this little girl!

As of today we have 8 days until our princess is here. 8 days until our life is completely and forever changed because of one sweet, chunky cheeked little girl. 8 days until we can finally see her chunky little cheeks. 8 days until we can kiss her face. 8 days until we can see the beautiful little girl that we've only seen through ultrasound. 8 days until we can see if she looks like Peter or me. 8 days until we can finally tell her to her little face that we love her. We can't wait, but at the same time can you say FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for your continued prayers, and support. It has been such a blessing to our families. We ask for continued prayers and thoughts as we enter into the last week of our pregnancy, please pray for a smooth delivery, and that Emma's recovery from her surgeries, and my recovery go smoothly and without complication. Also please be praying that God provides us peace, comfort, and wisdom through what will be one of the most trying times in our lives! Thank you again, it certainly doesn't go unnoticed!

At the end of the day this is what matters

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