Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Post MRI follow up

Hello Everyone,

So Emma had her MRI on Monday the 16th. It all went well. We got checked in around 11:15. They took us back and since Emma is now over a year we are able to stay with her while they give her the laughing gas to sedate her. This isn't the only way she is sedated for the MRI. They also give her another sedating drug. But they start with the laughing gas to get her to sleep so they can start an IV. IV's are tricky on Emma. She doesn't have the best veins. Though I think I've mentioned this before. We now request the VAT (vascular access team) to come down with an ultrasound to get her IV's started and thank God they only had to stick her 1 time! WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I was very pleased to hear that. That is one of the million reasons why we love love love Cincinnati Children's Hospital! The care they provide for our kids is amazing!! Her MRI took about two hours and then we were able to go back and see Emma! She was still pretty sleepy when we got back to recovery but her nurse was very kind and let us hold her until she woke up.

We then headed up to Neuro to meet with our most favorite doctor ever!!! They checked her shunt and it didn't reprogram which was great! Then Dr. Stevenson came in talked to us, fussed over Emma and told us that EVERYTHING looked stable or smaller! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said her syrinxes looked good and stable, as well as the cyst that is on her lesion. So all in all it was a great day!

Thank you all for your prayers for our sweet girl! God has answered our prayers! Please continue to pray for Emma though, she has been having "staring spells" its kind of like where she will just check out. We talked to Dr. Stevenson about them and he said to just keep track of them and if there is an increase to contact neurology. So pray that those cease. Also continue to pray for our family as we begin a HUGE change in our lives. Packing up our current home and move in with my mom until we can find a home that is PERFECT for us all. We've been looking at what feels like EVERY SINGLE HOUSE but to no avail. So we've put it in God's hands to lead us to the house he has set out for us.

Thank you all for being so faithful to us! We love each and everyone of you all!!!!

Here are some pictures of our favorite girl!

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