Monday, July 8, 2013

The adventures of Emma

Sorry for the long break. I'm going to try and do better as a blogger. My goal is to post an update every two weeks, even if its just pics of whats been going on in our lives for the past two weeks.

As Dr. Seuss says "Oh the places you will go". Granted he had a much deeper meaning then traveling but I find it applicable for this post. Emma has been all over the place in the past couple weeks.

Emma turned three months old. My how time flies when your having fun. We are having such a great time being this little girls parents! She continually amazes us, just by her good spirits and disposition alone we are amazed. Let alone all the other things she has overcome.

Emma went to see her aunt become an american citizen at the Lexington Federal Courthouse. That was such a cool experience to be part of! She sported her red white and blue and was such a good baby (per usual).

Then we went to the Spina Bifida confrence in Louisville. This was also very neat. It was neat to see people of all different ages and walks of life with one major thing in common. We learned so much, though it'll be more useful when she is older but still great things to get us thinking. We also got to spend some quality time with friends that we met through a forum for children with SB. I keep telling this story and I'll tell it one more time. They had a 30th anniversary bash on Saturday, it was just a simple cook out, but there were two little girls there, they couldn't have been older then 6. They were in their wheelchairs, the parking lot was on a slight incline, and these two little girls started at the top of the hill let go of their wheels and went FLYING down the hill. Now me being a stranger I just stood there in COMPLETE shock, thinking to myself surely they are going to crash or go careening into the food table. The little girl grabbed a hold of her wheels came to a SKIDDING stop and just started laughing, she didn't have a fear of the hill she just saw it as an opportunity for fun. Their parents were just watching them. I sure hope I can be this relaxed and chill when it's Emma's turn to go flying down the hill, whether its in a wheelchair, on crutches, with her walker, or just in her sneakers.

She has also started laughing, we can't really figure out quite yet what is so funny but its adorable to hear it when she decides something is funny!

In other HUGE NEWS... Uncle Matt has moved home!!! We couldn't be more excited that he will get to watch her grow up, that he will be here for her milestones!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our family. The peace we feel is overwhelming. We ask for your continued prayers, for Emma's health, that her shunt doesn't malfunction or get an infection, that she doesn't have symptoms of her Chiari II, that she doesn't have any seizures, and just her overall health. Please continue to pray that Peter and I are vigilant to her needs health related and otherwise. Thank you again, it's very much appreciated!!

Kisses from the best daddy ever! 

Mommy love! 

Such a happy girl! 

All smiles! 

So sweet! 

Our first Reds game as a family of three! 

She was unimpressed by the dinosaur...

Didn't really care about the Cincinnati display either. 

So sweet

Just hanging out! 

This was a tasty toy! 

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