Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just another update!

Hello faithful readers and friends! I'll keep this short and to the point. EMMA IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

We are just living life like any other family with a newborn would, and loving every single minute of it!

We've had another PT visit and we were told to just keep doing what we are doing, focus on tummy time for her head control and core strength, and to work on her range of motion with her legs. Emma is tolerating tummy time much better now, shhhhheeewweeeeeeeeee, I was getting worried that she'd forever hate that exercise.

I emailed Dr. Pan (plastics) to see what he thought of her back closing, he needless to say was impressed and said we didn't have to cover it anymore and we could just leave it open to air. WAHOOOOO!!!!

We also saw the neurologist, he was a very nice guy. He decided that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that she had those seizures that I posted about while we were in the NICU. So that being said she no longer needs her phenobarbital. I'm very thankful for this although it gave us a sense of security but if she doesn't need it then of course we don't want her on it!

Thank you for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated and as always keep them coming. We are so blessed to know that you all are our faithful prayer warriors. We ask for continued prayers that God watch over our little precious girl, that he keep her general health good, that he keeps her shunt functioning properly, that he keeps her non symptomatic from her Chiari II and that she doesn't have seizures. Also please continue to pray that God give Peter and I the vigilance that is needed for Emma. Thank you again!!!

We saw Rosie Red Legs 

She was enjoying the giraffe

She attended her first crohn's walk for her uncle.

She was a little concerned by the shark in the following picture.

She was REALLY awake at the zoo, this is proof

Sitting in her bumbo seat like a big kid. Where'd my newborn go? 

Getting her all dolled up for her baptism

Proud parents! 

Sleeping angel! 

Baptism photos taken by Amanda Walriven Photography

1 comment:

  1. You look great in that little family pic, Beck! Really enjoyed catching up with you at church last week, and was so pleased to see your pretty little Emma doing so well! Mia keeps talking about her, so I guess we better get together soon! :)
