Monday, April 8, 2013

Update from the NICU

So were still at Children's but our hopes of going home are getting closer to our reach! Such a blessing!

My last quick update was about Emma having several seizures right after her surgery. They were able to do an EEG the next day, they just carefully covered up her incisions. She was monitored for about 22 hours and it showed a little activity but nothing alarming. Granted she was on anti-seizure medication but my understanding of it is that she would still have the brain activity of a seizure just not the physical attributes of one. She will go home on a regular dose of phenobarbital, just as a preventative. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray that it was an isolated incident and that she will not have any more seizures.

We are getting cautiously hopeful about our departure from Children's. She has to have a urology study  done before we can go to determine if her bladder is refluxing into her kidneys. She is being intermittently catheterized right now every 6 hours. So hopefully this won't change after that study. This study is the last thing to check off our list, and of course Emma's continued healing so that we can go home. Please continue to pray for her healing and for good results from the urology study.

Thank you for your prayers for our little girl. Please continue them for growing, continued health and healing, and for prayers for our family! Thank you again, Peter and I and our families appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

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