Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5 down...

NST/AFI's that is...

Thursday was another round of NST/AFI. We've gotten used to it, we know what to expect, however the past 2 times we've gone we have had different nurses. Which is okay however we had gotten used to Bonnie, lol! It went well, she got buzzed, she was pushed, and wiggled. Poor little girl! However she did what was expected of her, like us Hendrickson's usually do. The fluid test was great as well, another opportunity to see our gal! They measured the fluid level at 17.6 which was good seeing as 24 is considered high. We met with the doctor and they were pleased with everything.

However... Wednesday I was told that I failed my gestational diabetes test by 14 dang points. Which they considered barely... MEH, not cool. So I had to schedule a three hour test for this Thursday. I think there were some extenuating circumstances that went into me failing the 1 hour but I wont bore you with those details! So please say a prayer that I pass my 3 hour test.

That brings us to today, Monday, we had another NST/AFI, Miss Emma had to be messed with 1 time but that sure got her going. She was hanging around the low 140's and then after she was buzzed it got up to 167, the nurse was pleased! The AFI went well too, the fluid level was 21.6, which is considered good. And the kind ultrasound tech showed us our sweet girls face and another shot of her foot. I think she likes to show off her foot because it's so perfect!! Here are a few pictures that we got today which always makes this momma's heart happy!

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers it means so much more to Peter and I, then I could ever put into words!

As I say at the end of the day this is what matters...

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