Monday, January 28, 2013

Glucose test results are in...

Well this has yet been another uneventful week which I am soooo thankful for.

Thursday started early, had to be at the hospital at 7:15 to begin my 3 hours of being used as a pin cushion. So the way it works they make you not eat anytime after midnight, but I was going to ensure I had the best chances possible so I didn't eat past 9 pm. Very hard to do when your growing a human! LOL!! They took my blood to make sure it was below 120 and it was it started out at 90! YAY! Then I had to drink what tasted like over sugared flat sprite... GAG ME!!! The way it works is I sit for an hour and they drew my blood, sit for another hour draw it again, sit for another hour draw it again, THEN I GOT TO EAT!!!!!! You see where my priorities are right? I was told I would know the results at my appointment later that day.

Later on Thursday, Peter and I went to our appointment, and had the NST. Emma of course was buzzed, but only once, then we went for the fluid check and it was good, at 18.6. We headed to the doctors office, we were kind of under a time crunch because we were interviewing a pediatric office at 5. So as all things go the good doctor was running behind, so we sat, and sat some more. I've realized that time really goes much slower when you watch the clock. Note to self... quit looking. The nurse came in took my vitals (which were good) and it was killing me I had to know... So I asked her if I passed... she says... Yes you passed all 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your prayers!!!!!! The meeting with the doctor was good he said that all looked well, and we were on our way!

Today we had another NST/AFI, mom went with me and we had the NST first. Per her standard Emma was buzzed... lol... this little girl I tell ya... One of these days she wont be buzzed I just know it. She cooperated like she does and we were on our way. Our AFI went well too. Levels were at 18 which is GREAT! The kind ultrasound tech showed us our sweet girls profile, which I love, then she asked if we had to be anywhere to which we responded NOPE. She said oh good, your my last patient's and I want to flip to 3D. I've always wanted to get a 3D ultrasound but weren't sure we wanted to put out the money so I was ELATED. The pictures are AMAZING! They are so clear, we got to see her sweet face, and its confirmed she has Peters nose but my cheeks! Oh our sweet girl! I just love her so much!

Thank you so much for your faithfulness, thoughts and prayers. Peter, Emma and I truly appreciate it, as do our families!

Here are some 3D pics! Because at the end of the day she is what matters!

She looks like she is thinking... hmm... "How much longer am I stuck in here"

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